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职 称: 副教授

职 务: 系主任,系党支部书记

电子邮箱: lincunjie@ruc.edu.cn


2014.09至今 澳门尼威斯人网站(中国)集团有限公司


1. 复杂数据下治疗影响的半参数统计推断及其应用,国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金,11701561,2018—2020,主持,结项 

2. 复杂数据下治疗影响的统计推断问题,集团科学研究基金,15XNF025,2015-2016,主持,结项 

3. 缺失数据下分位数回归的模型平均研究和应用,集团科学研究基金面上项目,19XNB014,2019-2021,主持,结项 

4. 复杂数据下半参数分位数回归的模型平均研究和应用,国家统计局重点项目,2019K20265,2019-2021,主持,结项


本科课程: 回归分析 、多元统计分析、数据科学概论 

研究生课程:生存分析 、生物统计模型选讲 、高等概率论




1. Yang Li, Le Qi, Yichen, Qin, Cunjie Lin* and Yuhong Yang (2023). Block weighted least squares estimation for nonlinear cost-based split questionnaire design. Journal of Official Statistics, to appear.

2. Zishu Zhan, Yang Li, Yuhong Yang and Cunjie Lin* (2022). Model averaging for semiparametric varying coefficient quantile regression models. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2021.1923511.

3. Cunjie Lin, Jingfu Peng, Yichen Qin, Yang Li* and Yuhong Yang (2022). Optimal integrating learning for split questionnaire design type data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, DOI: 10.1080/10618600.2022.2118753.

4. Zhishuai Liu, Zishu Zhan and Cunjie Lin* (2022). Penalized regression analysis with individual-specific patterns of missing covariates. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2022.2098332.

5. Cunjie Lin, Nan Qiao, Wenli Zhang, Yang Li* and Shuangge Ma*(2022). Default risk prediction and feature extraction using a penalized deep neural network. Statistics and Computing, 32:76.

6. Huangdi Yi, Qinzhao Zhang, Cunjie Lin* and Shuangge Ma* (2022). Information-incorporated Gaussian graphical model for gene expression data. Biometrics, 78: 512-523.

7. Yang Li#, Rong Li#, Yichen Qin, Cunjie Lin* and Yuhong Yang (2021). Robust group variable screening based on maximum Lq-likelihood estimation. Statistics in Medicine, 40(30): 6818-6834.

8. Weijuan Liang, Shuangge Ma and Cunjie Lin*(2021). Marginal false discovery rate for a penalized transformation survival model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis,160: 107232.

9. Yang Li, Rong Li, Cunjie Lin*, Yichen Qin and Shuangge Ma* (2019). Penalized integrative semi-parametric interaction analysis for multiple genetic datasets. Statistics in Medicine, 38(17): 3221-3242.

10. Yutao Liu, Cunjie Lin* and Yong Zhou (2019). Nonparametric estimate of conditional quantile residual lifetime for right censored data. Statistics and its interface, 12: 61-70.

11. Li Zhang, Cunjie Lin* and Yong Zhou (2018). Generalized method of moments for nonignorable missing data. Statistica Sinica, 28: 2107-2124.

12. Cunjie Lin, Wenhua Wei* and Yong Zhou (2018). Semiparametric estimation of treatment effect with density ratio model. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 47(14): 3338-3359.

13. Li Zhang, Cunjie Lin and Yong Zhou (2017). A resampling method by perturbing the estimating functions for quantile regression with missing data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 46(8): 6661-6671.

14. Mu Zhao, Cunjie Lin* and Yong Zhou (2017). Analyzing right-censored length-biased data with additive hazards model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 33(4): 893-908.

15. Junzhe Chen#, Ying Tang#, Mingsheng Zhu, Jun Lv, Sha Fu, Huizhen He, Yuchun Zeng, Cunjie Lin and Anping Xu* (2017). The association of echocardiographic parameters with mortality in hospitalized patients with lupus nephritis. Nephrology, 22(11): 872-884.

16. Cunjie Lin* and Yong Zhou (2016). Semiparametric varying-coefficient model with right-censored and length-biased data.  Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 152:119-144.

17. Cunjie Lin*, Li Zhang and Yong Zhou (2016). Inference on quantile residual life function under right censored data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28(3): 617-643.

18. Cunjie Lin*, Li Zhang and Yong Zhou (2015). Conditional quantile residual lifetime models for right censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 21:75-96.

19. Cunjie Lin* and Yong Zhou (2014). Analyzing right-censored and length-biased data with varying-coefficient transformation model.  Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 130: 45-63.

20. Cunjie Lin* and Yong Zhou (2014). Inference for the treatment effects in two sample problems with right-censored and length-biased data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 90:17-24.

21.李嵘,张文丽,李扬,林存洁* (2022). 基于深度学习的大规模肿瘤数据生存分析. 中国卫生统计,39(1): 84-90.

22.林存洁,吴朦,易丹辉,胡镜清 (2017). 多个响应变量的纵向数据联合建模方法及应用. 世界科学技术-中医药现代化,09:1443-1448.

23.邹超,林存洁,赵诚和,王霞,孙凌云,易丹辉,杨宇飞 (2016). 结直肠癌术后中医证型与预后相关性的巢式病历对照研究. 世界科学技术-中医药现代化,18(6): 1040-1045.

24.林存洁 & 李杨 (2016). 大数据分析仍需要统计思想——以ARGO模型为例. 统计研究,33(11): 109-112.